Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, Nov. 14

We had a good night. Jonathan went right to sleep. He likes his new pajamas and didn't want to take them off this morning. Before bed, he and Dwight had been looking at a Spanish-English picture dictionary together. When he woke up at 6 (that is when they get up in the orphanage) and saw that we were all still in bed, he got the book and looked at it quietly until we got up. After he was dressed, he had Dwight help him make his bed. That must be part of the orphanage routine, too. Maria told him that he could make her bed, too:) These pictures are from after breakfast playing on the swings in the backyard. As you can see, the clothes we brought are too big. We may need to go shopping to get a couple things that aren't so big on him. So far, all is going amazingly well.
Our ICBF interview is scheduled for next Tuesday. Please pray that it not be delayed and that it will go well. That is our next big step.
For my friends in the Spanish department - I am now carrying on whole conversations in Spanish. Granted, they are not on deep topics, but they do involved whole sentences and several exchanges. What fun!

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