Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday morning

Hello Everyone.
I can't believe that I have been in Colombia for two weeks today. Time is certainly going by fast as we try to keep ourselves busy. Today we are going to walk to an open air flea market which is set up every Sunday. Thing are going pretty good here, I was sick the last couple of days with some kind of respatory infection but seem to be on the mend and feeling much better. Felipe is doing well, He seems to have adopted us as his family and has especially bonded with Luke, they spend a lot of time wrestleing and playing with legos. Felipes behaivor is also improving, the naughty attention seeking behaviors he was doing at first are fading as he relizes that he can have our attention at any time just by asking politely, but we will ignore him if he is rude. Since today was Sunday we had pancakes for breakfast, our weekly treat. I am also drinking alot of coffee, I'm not sure why but the coffee here is way better that what I've had in the states, maybe because it is so fresh. Many of the families that I have spent the last two weeks with in the residencia have finnished all the steps and are getting ready to leave so I will be saying goodby to people who have become close friends although we have promised to stay in touch via e-mail. I'm thinking that not many new adopters will come before the holidays so the residencia will get quieter and quieter. I think I will miss the sound of playing children and crying babies and adults speaking in a world of languages as they leave. I should be done with the first court stage by the end of this coming week, the second court stage can take up to 13 business days after that and when that is done I have to get Jonathan a passport and a visa before we can come home. Please pray that the court I am in moves speedily and the paper work gets processed quickly. Love Dwight, Luke and Felipe from Colombia.

1 comment:

karisp59 said...

Hi Dwight, Luke and Felipe - thanks for keeping up the blog! We love to hear what you're up to, and the pictures are great! We are glad to have Kathy and Maria back in the neighborhood. We are thinking of you and pray for a speedy paperwork process and a safe return!!
the Pikaarts