Saturday, December 8, 2007


This is a cute picture of Jon Felipe helping out at the residencia, he like to follow the various staff members around and watch what they are doing. Here he is helping out the business manager I think his name is Hermon but with a spanish accent. This is a picture of the bar at El Corral where we went out to lunch yesterday. Luke thought that the big wall of booze was impressive. Sometimes a change of pace from the menu at the residencia helps one's spirits and we were celebrating Phils Sentencia.

This is a picture of our meals. The Hamburgers were very good and very large. the one on the left has mushroom sauce and bacon and the other one has chili and chedder cheese. the menu has about two dozen different hamburger choices and trying to figure what was on each in spanish was fun.
I've posted this picture before but I want you to notice the red diagonal slash above the door. It goes through the original address which is engraved into the stone. All buildings in Bogota except the very new ones have similar red slashes through the addresses. The new address is on the green plaque above the door. Not too long ago the city gevernment decided that all the adressess in Bogota where wrong and did a survery of the city and reissued new adressess. some are only wrong by a few numbers and in some places new streets had been put inbetween existing streets messing up the numbering system so whole streets were renumbered. established businesses though didn;t want ot give up their old addressess right away so now when you give a taxi and address you have to tell the driver if it is an old address or a new address. Hopefully eventually it will all become easier. Since it is the weekend there will be no news until at least Monday. We will try to keep busy here and keep Felipe out of too much trouble. He really is a good kid just stubborn sometimes, but adjusting well to having a new family I think. Looking forward to seeing Some of the Kypers this weekend as part of their family heads home. Hopefully Cheryl and Stella will not be long behind them. Love Dwight and the boys

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