I have been trying to publish this post for a week but have been having internet problems.

Maria Trick or Treating with her friends Abby and Elizabeth.

Jon went trick or treating with his friend and our neighbor Ben, They had a great time and gathered mucho dulces. Halloween was a new experience to Jon and he couldn't believe so many people wanted to give him candy. America truly is the land of milk and honey.

Jon had a great birthday. A little overwhelming the first time for someone who grew up in an orphanage (or at least for Jon) He was so excited to get his own Torta with candles and this bus was one of his favorite presents. Thanks to all who helped to make this day special to a special kid.

If I remember right exactly a year ago Kathleen,Luke, Maria, and I were on a plane headed to Bogota Colombia to meet Jon for the first time and take him home with us. Later today I will probably go back and reread some of those early posts to catch some of what I felt at the beginning of this journey. I can tell you now that the feeling that someone has dropped of their kid for us to babysit and forgot to pick him back up has gone away. Even though I have learned more Spanish than he has learned English so far we communicate just fine and we tell each other everyday "I love you." Our love for this child is real and deep and we're sure that it goes both ways. We told Jon just as we told Maria that we were their "forever family" and no matter what, we would love them and take care of them. It's nice then, that we can tell by the twinkle in Jon's eye and the smile on his lips that he thinks that we are special too.
Thanks to all of you who have shared this year with us and made Jon's adoption possible.
Dwight and Kathleen.